Heinz - Juergen Kratz
Machine Tool - Service
Butzenstraße 39
47918 Toenisvorst
/ Germany
Phone : +49
2839 568 3046 Fax : +49 2839 568 6991
Mobil : +49 173
721 8562
E - Mail Adress
: hjkratz@hjkratz.de
We are specialized in maintenance, repairing and planning of numeric
controlled units, especially with following components:
Sinumerik 800th series,
digital and analogously with Step5 as well as Step7 and TIA PLC Systems
Heidenhain TNC 310, 320, 355, 360, 410, 415, and iTNC 530
Fanuc 0TC and
18TC and PLC - control units
controlled 3 Phase Motors of different manufacturers
Servo drive Motor
of different manufacturer's
Our electrical documentation is done with a WS - CAD system and is also
available as DXF or PDF - file.